قناع للوجه بخلاصة فيتامين سي لترطيب و تفتيح البشرة
قناع للوجه بخلاصة فيتامين سي لترطيب و تفتيح البشرة
Face Mask with Vitamin C extract to moisturize and lighten the skin
Face Mask with Vitamin C extract to moisturize and lighten the skin
Face Mask with Vitamin C extract to moisturize and lighten the skin

This mask contains Vitamin C extract, which whitens and lightens skin tone, improves dull skin texture, and lightens spots.
Contains moisturizing ingredients, it can balance skin moisture, promote nutrient absorption, and helps the skin to keep soft and moist.


How to use:
1- Cleanse your face well
2- Put the mask on the face
3- Leave it for 15-20 minutes
4- Then rinse it off with water
(It is recommended to use it at night – (2-3) times a week)

Face Mask with Vitamin C extract to moisturize and lighten the skin

Pack : 10 Pcs – Box : 300 Pcs

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